This paper explores the state of formal and informal equity sources currently
available for financing entrepreneurial activity in Chile. By integrating
theoretical perspectives regarding formal and informal equity funding and
information gathered from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) surveys,
the paper argues that despite the favorable environment existing in Chile for
equity investment, these markets are still incipient and strongly dependent on
public policies. In this respect it is proposed that public intervention to address
equity gaps in Chile should also adopt a demand-side perspective, aimed at
improving the quality of investment opportunities, and should incorporate a
geographical dimension, considering the particularities and financial needs of
non-metropolitan regions.
Entrepreneurship, Venture capital, Business angels, Informal investment, Equity gaps
Amoros, J. (2016). Formal and Informal Equity Funding in Chile. Estudios De Economía, 35(2), pp. 179–194. Retrieved from