The Origin and Evolution of the Housing Institute


  • Orlando Sepúlveda Mellado Universidad de Chile


This article describes a brief retrospective review of the creation and development of the Instituto de la Vivienda, (Housing Institute). It is from an inside perspective, with reference to the contributions and personal intervention of the faculty that have the responsibility of its management, in the understanding that the institutions are a collective expression of the will of generations that have to face specific situations, and must act accordingly. In this summary we try to put together records that were disperse in the University, associated to the actions of the persons that had to live through them including, where it is relevant, recounts concerning values to facilitate the understanding of the ups and downs of the process of the evolution of the INVI.

Author Biography

Orlando Sepúlveda Mellado, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile. Académico de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de La República, de la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana y del Instituto de la Vivienda de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile. Ex- Director de Escuela, del Departamento de Práctica Profesional y del Instituto de la Vivienda. Profesor del Módulo de Diseño y Tecnología Habitacional del Postítulo Social de la Universidad de Chile. Ex-Presidente de la Red Universitaria Latinoamericana de Cátedras de vivienda" (Red - ULACAV) durante los años 1986 al 2001) y actual Secretaria Ejecutivo de la misma red.