The use of connectors in children´s fictional accounts. Differences depending on the interactional context of production
Florencia Alam
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología, Matemática y Experimental (CIIPME), Tte. Gral. J.D. Perón 2158, CABA
Celia Renata Rosemberg
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología, Matemática y Experimental (CIIPME), Tte. Gral. J.D. Perón 2158, CABA
The present work aims to analyze and compare the use of connectors in fictional accounts produced by 4 year-old children in three conditions: interaction with a same age child, interaction with an older child and individual performance. The stories were elicited using an image sequence. Then, they were video-filmed and transcribed. The corpus includes 99 stories, 33 produced in each condition. The children live in urban marginalized neighborhoods in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The analysis focuses on to the frequency of additive, temporal, causal, and adversarial connectors produced by the young children. A qualitative analysis of the accounts interactional construction was done in the interaction conditions. Results showed a higher frequency of additives and adversative connectors in the interaction with a peer, and a higher frequency of causal connectors in the interaction with an older child. The qualitative analysis allowed to account for these differences in terms of the features that each production context adopts.
fictional accounts, interactions between children, connectors, interactional construction
Alam, F., & Rosemberg, C. R. (2013). The use of connectors in children´s fictional accounts. Differences depending on the interactional context of production. Lenguas Modernas, (41), Pág. 11–32. Retrieved from