The power of emoji for profile descriptions on dating apps



Technology has revolved and changed communication in the present digital era. In recent years, the use of emoji has quickly widespread and they have become extremely popular; consequently they are present in many forms of daily life communication. The function of emoji is to introduce more emotion to written texts; something that is more complicated to make by only using words. This paper aims at analyzing the power of emoji on Dating Apps. To this purpose, this research analyzes how the variables of gender, age, and sexual orientation influence on the choice of other profiles, and if these users introduce emoji to their profile description on Dating Apps. In this research, there were 145 participants who filled in a survey, in which they had to confirm if they liked 9 anonymous profiles with no picture. One third of these profiles only included text, another third only contained emoji, and the last third mixed both text and emoji. Results show how the variables of gender, age, and sexual orientation make that some participants were more willing to use emoji than others and if they were more attracted by other users’ profiles.


communication, emoji, dating apps, age, gender, sexual orientation