Meanings and conceptions about writing and its teaching: the voices of teachers in the chilean school system



A research is presented on the meanings and conceptions of writing and writing education for secondary education teachers. The work proposes to extend the notions of objective meaning and subjective meaning of education to a disciplinary and didactic dimension. From the intersubjective analysis of eight semi-structured interviews, three teacher profiles were identified that illustrate different ways in which teachers negotiate meaning for the didactics of writing with their students and their contexts. It is observed that the meaninglessness of school writing for students and for the system implies a need to find new meanings, which in many cases includes giving up or narrowing personal meanings and more complex conceptions about writing and its teaching. It is valuable for research in the didactics of writing to study the meanings it has for students and teachers, since this allows us to explore its relationship with the broader crisis of meaning that our school system is currently going through.


Meanings, Conceptions, Writing education, Teachers, High school education

Author Biographies

Soledad Concha, Universidad de O’higgins

Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de O’higgins

María Jesús Espinosa, Universidad Diego Portales

Facultad de Educación, Universidad Diego Portales

Javier Rojas, Universidad de O’higgins

Facultad de Educación, Universidad Diego Portales


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