Paths, tenseness and tension displacements in Alicia Moreau´s ideas


  • Adriana María Valobra CINIG/IDIHCS – UNLP/CONICET


This study aims to make visible one of the most important feminist and sufraggettet in Argentina. Alicia Moreau de Justo. We will focuses on her work in order to problematize the connection between her ideas, the junctures and historical processes she lived through. The study analyzes her professional and political interventions highlighting her views about women and political action. We will focus on Alicia's sight about women and political action. Besides, and closely tied with those ideas, she builds a democratizing proposal. But, Moreau's ideas were affected by the arrival of Juan Domingo Perón arrived to the Argentine government (1946) and even after it was overthrown.    


Alicia Moreau de Justo, intellectual trajectory, political ideology, scientific criticism, from 1906 to 1957