The next article analyzes the literary production of Jorge Cáceres and Jorge Onfray, two poets whose work are relevant to study the representation of the subjectivity
and the homoerotic spaces existing in the Chilean culture during the fifties decade.
Thus, the hypothesis postulated is that both poets turn to a seductive enunciation to say and unsay, deceptively, the divergent masculinity of their poetic voices. Cáceres
works with surrealism and Onfray with carnival and a marvelous language. In both cases, these are rhetoric strategies that, through occultation and allegory, allows
these poets to overcome the censorship and criminalization exercised through this time against the public expression of homoerotic desire.
Simon, F. (2017). Homoerotic seductions during the half of century: desire representation strategies in the poetry of Jorge Cáceres and Jorge Onfray. Nomadías, (23). Retrieved from