Considering a periodization of the work of the Argentine poet Alejandra Pizarnik (1936-1972), which divides it into two large periods: one constituted by the poetry books published during her life in book format, and the other by the writings published as a book after the death of the author, I propose to think certain phenomena of self-censorship and censorship that operated on the writing of this last period. I take, as a ‘witness case’ of the contradictions surrounding these posthumous writings, the reading of Arturo Carrera’s poem “Written with a nyctograph” that the author performs in the dark. I also consider the Mobius strip between literature and life in Pizarnikian texts and self-figurations, in order to think about how certain criticism, taking this continuum into account, denies literary status to Pizarnik’s posthumous writings.
Barbero, L. S. (2022). With a knife raised in the dark: “Escrito con un nictógrafo”, Pizarnik’s performance and censorship. Nomadías, (30), pp. 81–105. Retrieved from