
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
with a continuous publication system on Nursing and Health Sciences topics;
and an average publication time of nine weeks from article submission to publication. (GUIDELINES FOR THE AUTOR)





Objective: to describe how care teams identify the need for palliative care and request the support of consulting teams. Methodology:  A qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study conducted in a Brazilian teaching hospital. Data production took place between July and November 2021, through a semi-structured interview with four doctors and four nurses from clinical admission units. The data were organized in the Atlas.ti demo version and submitted to Content Analysis. Results: two content units composed the central category "Need for palliative care: how do care teams identify? “and are presented in this article. The first: Clinical experience and (not) use of standardized assessment instruments. The second: Knowledge and practices on palliative care (consulting team). Through interviews with professionals, it was possible to analyze that doctors use their clinical expertise and identify patients through the burden of symptoms that the patient presents, with low frequency using scales to assess needs, and the nurses although they present knowledge about the evaluation of clinical aspects, summarize their identification through the medical records. Conclusion: It is important to spread the use of validated instruments, with the objective of identifying people who need palliative care, and thus expanding. The role of the nurse should be resumed, decentralizing medical care and highlighting the knowledge of nursing professionals, encouraging the need to occupy central spaces in the process of caring for patients in palliative care in the hospital.


Palliative Care, Hospice Care, Hospitals, Patient Care Team, Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing


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