Regional development planning and strategic prospective: reflections from the analysis of the case of the Ñuble regional development strategy 2020–2028


  • Marcelo Ramírez Valenzuela Universidad de Chile


In this article a reflection is made about the regional development planning in Chile, focusing on the analysis that should be the guiding instrument of the regional management, the Regional Development Strategy (RDS). Among a transversal lecture of the evolution of this instrument, the analysis in the ERD of the Ñuble Region 2020–2028 is deepened, due to the advice developed by a team of the Institute of Public Affairs of the University of Chile to the Regional Government, within the framework of its preparation process. The methodological trajectory of regional strategies is analyzed, their main methodological problems and considered essential for the elaboration of the ERD aspects are raised, so that it effectively fulfills the maxim of becoming the chart of navigation for all regional actors, from both the public and private sectors.


Regional planning, strategy, development, prospective.


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