Uso de la fuerza y derecho internacional


  • Francisco Orrego Vicuña Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The discussion about the use of force in Iraq has raised important questions about the role of international law in the context of major international conflicts. We maintain that the multilateral order was in question before the events in Iraq. The reason was not the purpose of altering the institutional regime of the international community, but the fact that those who held power opted for the historical constant of intervening by their sole decision in a situation of importance that affected them. The questions that then arise will be related to whether the North American action has violated the Charter of the United Nations, whether the intervention can be considered humanitarian or legitimate defense through a preventive attack, as well as the need for reform and reinvention of organizations such as the United Nations.


Use of force, International Conflicts, International Law, International System, Multilateralism

Author Biography

Francisco Orrego Vicuña, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Abogado; profesor titular de la Universidad de Chile;  doctor en derecho internacional, The London School of Economics and Political Science, Universidad de Londres; profesor visitante de diversas universidades extranjeras; presidente del Tribunal Administrativo del Banco Mundial;  Premio Nacional de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 2002; miembro del Institut de Droit International.