Trayectoria y agenda de ALADI


  • Raymundo Barros Charlín Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


It is difficult for scholars of the political phenomena of economic integration to conceive a legal framework for regional cooperation that is less attractive, conceptually and instrumentally speaking, than that of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI). The reasons for "justifying" this system are known, whose only indisputable merit (but quite debatable as an intrinsic merit) is that of its great "flexibility". Starting in September 1980, the same countries that, since February 1960, had timidly exercised a predominantly multilateral integrationist connection within the framework of ALALC, placidly surrendered to the development of a regional cooperation scheme governed without counterbalance by "flexibility ", now elevated to the category of "principle" by the Latin American legislator himself. That is why ALADI, ultimately, can only be defined by its results and not by the conceptual analysis of its instruments.


Latin American Integration Association, Economic Cooperation, Regional Integration, Latin America, Development

Author Biography

Raymundo Barros Charlín, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Ex-asesor jurídico de INTAL (Buenos Aires), profesor e investigador del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Chile.