Las relaciones Estados Unidos - Comunidad Económica Europea en la perspectiva de la Rueda Nixon


  • Leontin-Jean Constantinesco


The future negotiations that will take place from September 1973 in the framework of the GATT are called the Nixon Round. Limited, in principle, to trade relations between the main global players and especially between the US, the EEC and Japan, they are inscribed in a much broader context. Added to this is the new situation in the US and, above all, the dollar crisis. We are therefore in one of those political moments in which the existing order no longer resists and it is necessary to find a new balance. In order to better systematize and clarify the problems posed by these negotiations, it is necessary to specify: The East - West political relations; the economic position of Japan; the problems of the USA; the demands of the US and, finally, the position of the EEC.


GATT, Nixon Round, United States, European Economic Community, Japan

Author Biography

Leontin-Jean Constantinesco

Es profesor de la Universidad del Sarre y director del Instituto de Estudios Europeos de la misma universidad. Es autor de numerosos libros y artículos sobre problemas relacionados con la integración europea, y en particular sobre problemas jurídicos. Ha estado vinculado desde sus orígenes con los movimientos de apoyo a la integración europea.