The Network of Teacher Researchers of El Salvador is a project to promote reflection on teaching practice and its transformation to improve student learning. This space is becoming a community of practice for the professional development of the educators of the national education system that enables an approach to the educational fact with the help of the protagonists: the teacher researchers. This systematization, developed from multiple techniques, seeks to make visible the efforts made by the Research and Monitoring Management of Teacher Training, in order to have a teaching staff that researches in the classrooms of the public educational system.
Teacher network, professional development, research, teacher training
González Minero, L. E. ., Aragón Aguilar, T. K. ., Cardoza Hernández, W. E. ., Calderón Martínez, J. C. ., Flores Montalvo, M. J., & Avelar de Jiménez, M. C. . (2024). The network of teacher researchers of El Salvador: a space for reflection on the educational fact. Revista Saberes Educativos, (12).