In recent decades it may seem that the international system has undergone such profound changes that, to understand them, a different paradigm would be required from those that have hitherto been used to analyze or describe it. We argue that in order to understand the way in which international relations develop today, it is necessary to abandon the pretense that they conform to a paradigm or a previous model, and that in the last thirty years the societies of the Western world have undergone an unprecedented cultural transformation since its fundamental features were forged in classical antiquity; an adverse change to the great stories or models that in the past tried to shape societies and our lives within them. This cultural change will be appealed here as the main key to understanding the transformation that the international system has undergone during the last period.
International System, Cultural Change, World and Society, International Relations, Globalization
Author Biography
Luciano Tomassini
Abogado; profesor titular de la Universidad de Chile, Investigador Senior, Royal Institute of International Affairs y London School of Economics and Political Science. Miembro del Consejo Superior de FLACSO.
Tomassini, L. (2006). El mundo y la sociedad en la era de la globalización. Estudios Internacionales, 39(154), p. 23–55.