After the attacks against the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, it is too early to know if a new era is beginning, but for sure new possibilities are unlocked, marked by two worldviews: that of the Lilliputians, from the European Social Democrats to the governments of the countries in development, who believe that the world became smaller and that the solution is through collective security and internationalism; and that of Gulliver, represented by the new North American right, who thinks that the world changed and that security depends on the military superiority of the United States. The former had a high bar at first and the latter regained their voice after the military victory. 100 days after the attacks, this conflict has not been resolved and, as history shows, it is not certain that reason will prevail at least in the short term.
Terrorism, 9/11 Attacks, United States, Security and Military Superiority, International System
Author Biography
Iván Auger
Analista político y consultor; especializado en política norteamericana y relaciones internacionales, con residencia en Nueva York.
Auger, I. (2001). 100 días después del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Estudios Internacionales, 34(136), p. 21–39.