Despite the enormous potential of bilateral relations between Argentina and Korea, they are little known and studied. There are deep reasons that have influenced the poor and distorted image of Korea, some are cultural factors. Another decisive factor has been the belonging to different geopolitical and geoeconomic spheres of influence, with little contact with each other. The so-called globalization implies the opportunity to establish and reinforce direct linkage mechanisms between Korea and Argentina, which allow mutual knowledge and the emergence of perceptions about the other that are not mediated by third parties. This article corresponds to an effort to draw an overview of the Argentine-Korean relationship, which outlines its structure, the main characteristics of its stages, recalling some of its protagonists. For such purposes, chronologically it focuses on the historical and diplomatic aspects that have been the milestones that have marked out this common path.
Argentina, South Korea, Asia-Pacific, International Economic Relations, Immigration
Author Biography
Gonzalo S. Paz Iriberri
Profesor de la Universidad del Salvador, Argentina.
Paz Iriberri, G. S. (2001). Las relaciones entre Argentina y Corea del Sur : evolución y perspectivas. Estudios Internacionales, 34(134), p. 29–56.