Viejos y nuevos muros en el sistema internacional


  • Lincoln J. Bizzozero R.


This paper analyzes the questions that arose around the international system after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. For this, the existential concept of "wall" is integrated –associated with the debate on “optimism” or “pessimism” in the international system - as an analytical option that has a universal social content: the wall defines the impossibility of reaching the Other. In particular, the questions can be summarized in the following points: what are the walls that have collapsed in recent years ?; What are the new walls that have emerged ?; What consequences and prospects can it bring for the international system ?; And how can we locate Latin America in that context?


International Relations, International System, Post-Cold War, Latin America, Walls

Author Biography

Lincoln J. Bizzozero R.

Doctor en ciencias políticas -relaciones internacionales- en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas, master en promoción al desarrollo y en derecho internacional. Actualmente es coordinador del Programa de Política Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República y docente en la ORT-Uruguay.