Moral y política exterior de Estados Unidos en el mundo de la post-Guerra Fría


  • Claude Pomerleau Departamento de Historia y Ciencia Política, Universidad de Portland


The end of the Cold War has transformed the United States foreign policy, challenging traditional national values and interests and causing global changes in various areas and political institutions. In a context where it is no longer possible to distinguish between foreign and domestic policy, underlying values are essential for the formulation and implementation of all public policies. From a nationalist and globalist perspective, this article examines three areas of this country's foreign policy in which values are important: War and conflict resolution, which includes the values of personal security and human rights; the United Nations and international organizations, which embody the values of the global community and solidarity; and foreign aid and sustainable development, with the values of human development, generosity and compassion.


United States, Foreign Policy, Moral Values, Post-Cold War, National Interests

Author Biography

Claude Pomerleau, Departamento de Historia y Ciencia Política, Universidad de Portland

Ph.D. en estudios internacionales, Universidad de Denver; director del Departamento de Historia y Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Portland, Estados Unidos.