Antarctica is a continent where geography arrived millions of years ago, but where history is, only today, witnessing the first human events. There they rehearse what this planet could be in the third millennium. At the southern end of the earth, a form of international relationship is being tested, a way of life, with a high ethical content based on understanding and mutual help, which could well be extended tomorrow, little by little, to the other continents. The global concern for the white continent should inspire a similar attitude for the rest of the planet; however, the potential use of its natural resources emerges as the bone of contention, where ecological consciousness is confronted with the search for economic exploitation.
Oscar Pinochet de la Barra, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, Academia Diplomática de Chile
Abogado. Ex-subsecretario de relaciones exteriores y ex embajador en la Unión Soviética y Japón. Director de la Academia Diplomática de Chile Andrés Bello.
Pinochet de la Barra, O. (1990). Antártica, un continente para el tercer milenio. Estudios Internacionales, 23(92), p. 499–511.