The discussion about the return of hegemony is much more complex than the most obvious economic indicators are capable of showing. We maintain that the return of North American hegemony is not based on the assumption that the behavior of the value of the dollar and the rate of internal growth will be maintained, but on its ability to frame its partners and adversaries on the economic-financial and political-ideological plane. What this essay tries to demonstrate is how this "political-ideological" victory was preceded by a reframing, on the part of the North American government, of the polycentric movement that was taking place from the transnationalization of the capitals of North American origin.
United States, Hegemony, International System, Transnationalization, World Economy
Author Biography
María da Conceiçâo Tavares, Instituto de Economía Industrial, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro
Ex economista de CEPAL. Profesora de la Universidad de Campina y directora del Instituto de Economía Industrial de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro
Tavares, M. da C. (1985). La recuperación de la hegemonía norteamericana. Estudios Internacionales, 18(72), p. 478–505.