El futuro de las relaciones entre el Brasil y los Estados Unidos


  • Helio Jaguaribe Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro; Universidad Cándido Mendes


Political differences between Brazil and the United States have been aggravated since 1974 with the re-adoption of an independent foreign policy by Brazil, and they became particularly serious under the Reagan Administration. These derive from different and conflicting views of the world today, the lack of connection between what Brazil offers and the United States demands, and the discrepancy between what the United States proposes to Brazil. However, everything indicates that Brazilian-North American relations will undergo much more marked changes in the future than in recent years. The common interests and values that permanently bind Brazil to the Western world will lead the country to maintain close relations with the United States.


Brazil, United States, Foreign Policy, Cooperation, Conflict

Author Biography

Helio Jaguaribe, Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro; Universidad Cándido Mendes

Decano del Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Sociales de Río de Janeiro, y director de asuntos internacionales de la Universidad de Cándido Mendes. Ha sido profesor de las Universidades de Stanford y Harvard, y ha escrito obras fundamentales en el desarrollo de la ciencia política latinoamericana