La crisis económica internacional y las perspectivas de América Latina


  • Enrique V. Iglesias


To address the issue of the international economic crisis in a period characterized by so much confusion and the prospects for Latin America, it must be considered that in recent decades the region experienced a process of economic and social development that profoundly transformed it. This structural crisis affects both the western and socialist worlds and adds to the so-called recessive crisis. The fact is that the uncertainty and confusion prevailing in advanced countries aggravates the situation in Latin American countries. We maintain that the way in which the international crisis affected the periphery and especially Latin America, and the modalities that its recessive impact is taking in those countries, are strongly linked to what we call the financial syndrome, as a result of their deep indebtedness. This is manifested in the acceleration of inflation and the explosive increase in debt.


Crisis, International Economy, Latin America, External Debt, Financial Syndrome