The erratic movement and the opaque performance of Latin America in the international system evokes the tragic destiny of a ship that, because it has no course, never find favorable winds. Among the reasons that explain the "low profile" of Latin America, it seems appropriate to allude to the failure of the integrationist spirit. The absence of critical reflections about this external circumstance of Latin America, in a context of outdated frames of reference, is striking. Some circumstances related to the negotiations on a New International Economic Order, the "petrolization" of dialogue, the circumstances that explained the triumph of maximalism as an official position of the developing countries and the new strategies of international insertion that Latin America should adopt are analyzed.
Latin America, North-South Relations, New International Economic Order, Cooperation and Conflict, Developing Countries
Author Biography
Carlos E. Pérez Llana, Universidad de Belgrano
Director del Curso de Post-grado de Relaciones lnternacionales de 1a Universidad de Belgrano. Ex director cancillería argentina para América Latina.
Pérez Llana, C. E. (1979). Perspectivas de América Latina en el diálogo Norte-Sur. Estudios Internacionales, 12(46), p. 131–143.