Venezuela : una decada de democracia capitalista


  • James F. Petras


For most American writers specializing in Latin American affairs, Venezuela has been experiencing a democratic revolution since 1959. Under the auspices of the Democratic Action party (AD), it is argued, a series of far-reaching changes have taken place that have fundamentally restructured Venezuelan society. The policy of the current President of the Republic, Mr. Caldera, a member of the Social Christian Party, is considered, in general, as the continuation of the "democratic" revolution initiated by AD. After a decade we closely analyze and evaluate the arguments presented in favor of the democratic-capitalist alternative to the social revolution. By determining the changes that have taken place, we will see if Venezuela is a viable model for the rest of the hemisphere and what are the costs that this process has entailed.


Venezuela, Democratic Action Party (AD), Democratic Revolution, Development Models, Capitalist Democracy

Author Biography

James F. Petras

Profesor-asociado de ciencia política y administración pública. Es Director del Latin American Development Studies en el Instituto de Administración Pública de la Universidad de Pennsylvania, y autor de numerosos artículos y libros sobre América Latina, entre los que se encuentran "Politics and social forces in Chilean development (University of California Press, 1969). Es coeditor de Latin American reform or revolution.