Viabilidad de una comunidad latinoamericana


  • Felipe Herrera


We can argue that the growing income gap between industrialized countries and developing regions is a crucial problem in International Relations. However, neither through trade nor through financial aid any progress has been made towards the international redistribution of wealth. Such is the case in Latin America, a region that requires rethinking its trade relations on an international scale and an increase in external public aid under adequate conditions, as well as advance in the process of regional integration, a fundamental initiative with many obstacles. For this, a common market must be created, supported by its own institutional system that allows coordinating policies on a regional scale, as well as considering financial mechanisms for the mobilization of resources.


Cooperation, Development, Latin American Integration, International Economic Relations, Common Market

Author Biography

Felipe Herrera

Anteriormente ministro de hacienda de Chile, es presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Entre otras obras, es autor de América Latina integrada (Editorial Losada, Buenos Aires, 1964) y de Nacionalismo latinoamericano(Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, 1967).