The Beagle Channel crisis (1977-1984) unfolded in a global political context. In other words, it was never solely a bilateral matter between Argentina and Chile, as many analyses have contended. From the international arbitration to the participation of a third actor (Vatican) and the Falklands war, the Beagle crisis had pronounced international dimensions. However, domestic structures and international conditions affected Argentine and Chilean foreign policies in different degrees. The settlement of the Beagle crisis has been explained by reference to the key role played by the Vatican, but recently declassified U.S. documents and interviews with key actors reveal a different story.
Latin American foreign policies, frontier disputes, Beagle crisis, conflict resolution
Author Biography
Andrés Villar, Universidad de Cambridge
Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Cambridge. Master en Ciencia Política, Universidad Católica de Chile.
Villar, A. (2014). Unveiling the role of the United States in the Beagle Canal crisis. Estudios Internacionales, 46(178), 35–63.