Border territories. Security agenda and drug trafficking in Chile: the Northern Border Plan


  • Viviana García Pinzón Universidad de La Salle


The idea of “deterritorialization” of social phenomena has become part of much of the literature on globalization, especially during the last two decades of the twentieth century. However, globalization has not brought the demise of borders or the irrelevance of territorial and local dimensions. The persistence of geographical disputes between states,the continuity and emergence of new conflicts over territory, and state efforts to control the border areas against the new transnational threats, demonstrate the importance of the territory. This article seeks to explain the problems and policies on security and irregular threats (drug) on the northern border of Chile, from the analysis of the Northern Border Plan.


Chile, borders, security, drug trafficking, foreign policy

Author Biography

Viviana García Pinzón, Universidad de La Salle

Magíster en Ciencia Política, Universidad de Chile, y Politóloga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se desempeña como investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad de la Salle (Bogotá D.C.). Ha sido becaria de la Fundación Carolina, CONICYT (Chile) y Colciencias (Colombia)