Political liberalization and foreign policy: the disputes over Tunisia’s national role conceptions after Ben Ali’s fall (2011–2016)



Tunisia’s foreign policy in the early stages of political liberalization was the result of the national role conceptions held by its protagonists, who attempted to realize them within a rapidly evolving institutional and political framework. The Tunisian case leads to qualify the predominance of the elites as exclusive sources of role conceptions, since public opinion, as well as sectors within the elite itself, contested the roles promoted by the main political protagonists. This tension, and its weight in the discourse and practice of foreign policy, are explored in Tunisia’s decisions towards the wars in Syria and Libya.


Tunisia, Foreign Policy, National role conceptions, Syria, Libya

Author Biography

Marta Tawil Kuri, El Colegio de México

Doctora en Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales por Sciences Po Paris. Profesora-investigadora del Centro de Estudios Internacionales de El Colegio de México.


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