La construcción del personaje: Metodologías autóctonas en el espectáculo O Miolo da Estória


  • Raylson Silva da Conceição Universidad Federal del Estado de Río de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


In her analysis of the Ecuadorian play Kay Pacha, Lîlâ Bisiaux explores the possibility of transforming theatre from a non-Eurocentric perspective, identifying two forms of displacement: aesthetic and epistemic. However, Bisiaux does not address methodological displacement. This article, through a literature review based on the theorists Enrique Dussel, Boaventura Santos, Eliza Belem, and the author›s observational analyses, highlights the Brazilian play O Miolo da Estória as an example of the use of autochthonous methodology for character creation in theatre through transtheatrality. It emphasises the importance of adopting local cultural approaches in decolonial theatre, recognizing the existence of autochthonous methodologies and tools for theatrical construction in Latin America. This practice incorporates elements of Afro-Indigenous worldview, highlighting the connection between the community and the scenic space, a methodology that diverges from the chronotopic approach of Konstantin Stanislavski.


autochthonous methodology, O Miolo da Estória, transtheatrality, decolonial theatre, epistemic shift