Kids and teenagers are an important group inside detached condos, spaces which have been open to more people in Santiago during the last decades. For this reason, the present article characterizes the urban identities and representations of upper-middle class teenagers living in detached condos in Peñalolén. The findings show that even though there are many common elements among these identities, they are not homogeneous. It was noted that the detached condo where they live is less relevant than expected; in addition, they socialize in different contexts to a greater or lesser extent, leading therefore to several levels of reflexivity on them and their environment.
detached condos, social practices, urban representations
Author Biography
Ivana Medina San Martín, Universidad Federal de Pernambuco
Licenciada en Sociología Universidad de Chile. Estudiante de Magíster en Desarrollo Urbano en la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco. Correo electrónico:
Medina San Martín, I. (2022). Urban identities of upper middle-class teenagers from detached condos in Peñalolén. Última Década, 30(58), 37–66. Retrieved from