Gender violence as a social problem was established three decades ago in Argentina, from thedebates driven by feminist activists and women's movements towards the recognition of theirrights. These actions and claims generated rules, laws, institutions and resources from the Stateto address this issue. In this article, partial product of a qualitative research in progress, we aim atanalyzing the senses in dispute about violence against women that appeared between womenmovements and the State, regarding rules that supported public policies in the province ofCordoba, Argentina, in 2004-2008. Consideration and reach of violence against women and thetype of policies brought to light the tension between a victimized, therapeutical and welfaredconception, compared to a position based on respect and warranty for human rights and justice.
violence against women, senses dispute, public policy, women’s movement, State
Rodigou, M., López, C. J., Ceccoli, P., Puche, I., & Aimar, V. (2012). Senses in dispute on violence against women in public policy. The case of the law of the province of Cordoba, Argentina. Revista Punto Género, (2), Pág. 119 – 141.