This article refers to the introduction of the so-called "trans issues" (those that generally concern transvestite, transgender and transsexual identities) in the context of public debate in the Chilean context. Under this premise, a review through different trans identity figures in the Western historical development of the last century is carried out, to later observe their immersion in the local context. To this end, the approach taken on trans problems in different topics is observed, particularly through the treatment given by the media, the concern from the analysis of Human Rights, community and legislative work carried out by social organizations, and the gradual importance that these problems have gained in academic studies. Finally, it reflects on the relevance of the body to the public debate, allowed thanks to the introduction of trans issues.
Sex/gender, trans issues, gender identity, Sociology of the Body, Gender Identity Law
Jaque Paéz, C. (2020). Body put to debate: outline on the establishment of trans problems in the Chilean context. Revista Punto Género, (12), pp. 148–170.