The "Bad Bunny" phenomenon of the bad rabbit: vindication of masculinities or reproduction of misogyny?



This article analyzes the "phenomenon of the rabbit", originated from the figure of Bad Bunny, a Latin American trap singer. Firstly, a brief review of the emergence of this musical genre in Latin America is included along with the artist's biography. Secondly, the methodology defined in the investigative process is detailed. The chosen techniques correspond to Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) and netnography. The sample conforms to four videos of the artist and his songs produced between 2016 and 2020. In the results, he discusses the demands of masculinities, subversion of the mandates of gender and the reproduction of misogyny. It is concluded that the speeches of the singer in terms of the genre are contradictory, although they may transgress some socio-cultural mandates imposed by hegemonic masculinity, continuing to reproduce discursive universes that violate women.


Music, Feminism, Discourse, Women, Sexism