Subjectivity, labor and neoliberalism: Explorations around sicarios ́ masculinities conformation in Mexico



The construction of men sicarios´ masculinities, in the context of war on drugs in Mexico, have mainly been thought in terms of obtaining empowerment and prestige through violence. Thus, the article posits a theoretical analysis in order to comprehend that these masculinities are also determined by a subjection of dispossession, articulated in the relation of subjectivity, labor and neoliberalism. From this perspective, the article uses theoretical concepts of “governmentality”, “dispositive” and “subjectivity”, aiming to track in some men sicarios´ testimonies how the labor structure of organized crime, as a power dispositive of a neoliberal/warlike governmentality, transforms these men´s subjectivities, allowing them to accept the disposability of their bodies. I conclude that these modes of subjectivity are fundamental to sustain armed confrontation, triggering a “warlike capital” that defines men sicarios´masculinities.


governmentality, dispositive, dispossession, organized crime, war

Author Biography

José Ricardo Gutiérrez Vargas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Doctor en Humanidades (King´s College London), investigador de tiempo completo en el Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Sus líneas de investigación son: cultura visual y género; vínculo memoria social/justicia/performance; masculinidades, neoliberalismo y violencia; estrategias políticas y pedagógicas contra las violencias feminicidas en América Latina.