The case of Belén and the case of Lucía: two situations of violence in the public health system of Tucumán, Argentina


  • Carla Mora Augier Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


This article analyzes two paradigmatic cases of violence in the sphere of sexual and (non) reproductive health in a provincial space such as Tucuman: the case of Belen (2014) and the case of Lucia (2019) from a human rights and sexual and (non) reproductive perspective. Based on the premise that the access to sexual rights, to a fullness sexual and reproductive life and a life free of violence of all sorts, these are all rights for all argentinian women. The States have the responsibility to accomplish the commitments acquired in international treaties and to promote laws in correspondence. However, in these cases the provincial State failed through its health and judicial institutions and its Executive Power, but the feminist movement made possible to stop the violence towards Lucía and Belen.


Sexual and reproductive rigths, sexual health, violence, Public Health System, Tucuman

Author Biography

Carla Mora Augier, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciada en Letras y becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (Conicet). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.