The contributions of legal feminisms in Latin America, the critique of law as an object of teaching and its relationship with the gender perspective are presented. As a theoretical current, legal feminisms are framed within post-structuralism and originated in the United States in the 1970s. In Latin America, progress has been made gradually in its development and maturity based on research conducted by feminist lawyers. A bibliographic review of articles available in databases such as Scopus and Web of Science is made, which is extended to another four databases in Spanish published between 2018-2022. The externalization of a personal, disciplinary and contextualized thought that responds to the development needs of the Latin American legal culture is evident, as well as the strategies assumed to generate changes in the teaching of law and the impulse to transform the legal theory of the region.
Cardona Zuleta, E. (2024). Contributions of Latin American Legal Feminisms to the Teaching of Law. Revista Punto Género, (21), pp. 182–210.